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Celui-ci est dédié à ce que j'appelle l'Art et la Science du Leadership. La Science du Leadership, ce sont les travaux de recherche menés depuis près d'un siècle sur les leaders et le leadership. C'est le Leadership saisi par la raison logique et la méthode scientifique. L'Art du Leadership, c'est la perception et la pratique du leadership au quotidien, celles de ceux qui agissent en leader ou s'engagent à leurs côtés. C'est le leadership saisi par la raison sensible, l'expérience et l'émotion. L'un ne va pas sans l'autre, chacun nourrit notre réflexion et notre pratique du leadership. Vous trouverez ici mes projets, productions, collaborations, réflexions et recommandations sur l'art et la science du Leadership et les équipes dirigeantes.

mardi 15 mai 2012

BEST OF DAY 2012 EPWN le 15 juin prochain

Retrouvez-moi le 15 juin prochain pour la journée organisée par EPWN France
j'y animerai un atelier sur les styles de leadership.

Présentations de la journée (EPWN)

There are at least ten Reasons Why You Can’t Afford To Miss Best Of! 2012. This event is open to members and non-members. Register Now!

Members can register before May 15th at the early bird rate. Invite your male friends and colleagues to join us.
Non-members go to then click on “Paris” then “Calendar” or directly to

There will be men. You say you’ve had enough of men and that was not the purpose of joining EuropeanPWN? Think again. Let me assure you that the men who will be participating in this event are VERY BRAVE. And they have a genuine interest in advancing gender diversity. We need their help to empower women in the workplace.

You will come away more knowledgeable. This year we have invited speakers from the academic world: Françoise Milewski from Science-Po and Pascal Picq from College de France. Françoise leads the Presage program at Science Po, the first gender study department in France to offer this topic in all curriculums. She will present the evolution of women in the workforce since the 1950’s. Paléoantropologue, Pascal Picq will explain evolutionist theories, how they apply to the economy and work environment and, more importantly, what they tell us about gender diversity

You will renew your hope that men and women can collaborate. The morning panel on entrepreneurs, male and female, will be led by Denis Jaquet, CEO of Yateo and President of Parrainer la croissance. At the afternoon plenary, Françoise Gri, President of Manpower France, and Gérald Karsenti, President of HP France, will share their experiences of men and women working together in the corporate world. Once colleagues at IBM, they are now in different companies.

You will learn how to become a board member. Marie-Claude Peyrache, co-leader of the BoardWomen Partners initiative in the session Men and Women on Boards will be joined by a consultant from an executive search firm and board members of both sexes to discuss what works and what doesn’t, where the obstacles lie and offer some advice. You can also register for personal speed coaching sessions by the EuropeanPWN Women on Boards Club.

You will discover hidden gender stereotypes. You can’t put your finger on it but you always thought there is something bizarre about the term women in leadership? Valérie Petit, Professor at Edhec business school, will explain why during a morning session about the assumptions we make regarding leadership and gender attributes and why these assumptions can prevent women from moving up the ladder. Aude Bohu, an executive coach at Talentis will identify the stereotypes that we have about gender without being aware of it.

You will appreciate social networking at its true value. André Dan, Fadhila Brahimi, Jean-François Ruiz and Yann Gourvennec, all heavy users of social networks, will explain how they use the networks and why. Careful, you may become addicted. You will certainly want to follow up in the afternoon workshop led by Andre Mechaly and Stéphane Lapeyrade, social network experts from Alcatel-Lucent.  You will also learn how to twit on the EuropeanPWN social network! 

Fine tune your personal branding, gain assertiveness and adopt body posture to match. You are the best ever, but do others see that? LinkedIn, a Gold Sponsor for the BestOf! 2012, will lead a workshop on personal branding. Laurence DiLouya CEO of Arret sur Image will lead a workshop that will give you tips on how to develop your assertiveness. Véronique Schapiro Chatenay will demonstrate the best body postures for exuding confidence through simple exercises. La totale for presenting a new, unbeatable you!

You will gain political savvy. Maybe you don’t like office politics but you sometimes get the impression you missed something? Valérie Rocoplan, CEO of Talentis, will lead the workshop on Political Savvy so you can learn to play the game in a smart way.

You can get a new photo to project the new you. Tired of the picture of you on Linkedin and want to convey something different? The conference’s tradeshow offers a free make-up session and professional photo shoot for your linkedIn account.

You will have a good time. None of us can afford to waste time. That’s why we have put so much effort into building a strong agenda set in a bucolic venue for this year’s Best Of! The rest is up to you, participants, who will ensure the success of this event through your enthusiasm and active participation. 

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