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mercredi 16 mai 2012

Elisabeth Debold sur le leadership féminin à Paris

Dr Elisabeth Debold
Elisabeth Debold, donnera une conférence à Paris le 27 juin prochain sur le leadership féminin.
Elisabeth Debold a notamment co-fondé avec Carol Gilligan (connue notamment pour ses travaux sur le "Care") le Harvard Project on Women's Psychology and Girls Development. 

Bio D'Elisabeth Debold:

Elizabeth Debold, Ed.D., bestselling author, transformative educator, keynote speaker and consultant, has worked at the forefront of gender and cultural evolution for over three decades. Her lifelong pursuit of a higher order freedom, creativity, and equality between the sexes has taken her from door-to-door activism for the Equal Rights Amendment to groundbreaking research on gender development at Harvard University to an evolutionary collective of women at EnlightenNext, whose mission is to forge a new consciousness and culture between women.
After serving two elected terms as VP-Programs in the National Organization for Women, New York City, she joined Dr. Carol Gilligan at Harvard University as a founding member of the Harvard Project on Women’s Psychology and Girls’ Development. Dr. Debold received her doctorate in human development and psychology in 1996. Her groundbreaking research with the Harvard Project earned her an international reputation as a leading developmental theorist. Her bestselling book, Mother Daughter Revolution: From Good Girls to Great Women, was heralded by Gloria Steinem and Dr. Gilligan as “the book women have been waiting for.”
Realizing that girls’ lives will not be different unless women change culture, Dr. Debold undertook to experiment with her own life and self to discover the next step forward. Since the late 1990s, in collaboration with spiritual teacher Andrew Cohen, she has been a core member of an “evolutionary incubator” dedicated to evolving culture through the spiritual liberation of women. She now is a Senior Fellow at Cohen’s nonprofit, EnlightenNext, where she served from 2002-2011 as Senior Editor of EnlightenNext (formerly What Is Enlightenment?) Magazine. She is a Senior Teacher of Evolutionary Enlightenment.
Dr. Debold has developed a reputation for the transformational power of her programs. She created and directed the Ms. Foundation for Women’s Collaborative Fund for Healthy Girls/Healthy Women, which funded cutting-edge programs for girls nation-wide. She has developed groundbreaking women’s courses and seminars at EnlightenNext and served as Academic Director of the Master of Arts program in Conscious Evolution at The Graduate Institute. She has also taught at Harvard University and the New School for Social Research.
Dr. Debold has been sought as an expert on girls, women, and the evolution of culture by major media outlets in the U.S. and abroad and has lectured in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. She has consulted to numerous films and television programs, as well as to foundations, nonprofit educational organizations, corporate law firms, and businesses. Her work has appeared in academic publications, popular media, and international anthologies as well as in EnlightenNext magazine. She has made multiple appearances on Oprah, Good Morning America, and NPR, and was featured in a major Lifetime documentary on girls’ development. Her most recent film, A Seat at the Table, based on her work with girls at Miss Hall’s School in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, will be released in Spring, 2012. She lives in Lenox, Massacusetts.

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